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16.09Freedom of Mind. Autumn 2022

MOHITO autumn campaign is a Hollywood-inspired fashion tale. The story of finding courage and self-confidence is shown as film frames. The heroine's journey is full of understatements and shows places that are mystical yet thrilling. The brand’s latest collection emerges from this surreal mood, but is also as magnetic as the world of film itself.

MOHITO autumn campaign is a Hollywood-inspired fashion tale. The story of finding courage and self-confidence is shown as film frames. The heroine's journey is full of understatements and shows places that are mystical yet thrilling. The brand’s latest collection emerges from this surreal mood, but is also as magnetic as the world of film itself.

The old Hollywood style inspired clothes and accessories that are meant to be glamorous, chic and sexy! Deep black plays the leading role and adds elegance like no other color. Combined with shiny faux leather, it gets a touch of glitz.

Black is also easy to mix with purple or green – vibrant colors that are trending this season! These are also the colors of the envelope mini dress and the jacket-like dress.

The uniqueness of the collection is emphasized by jewelry being an integral part of styling. A gold-colored chain or large earrings attract attention and define the image full of sex appeal.

Enough with spoilers! See MOHITO Autumn 2022 Campaign and explore the cinematic universe of fashion fantasies!

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